Sccm search by mac
Sccm search by mac

sccm search by mac
  1. Sccm search by mac serial#
  2. Sccm search by mac full#
  3. Sccm search by mac software#
  4. Sccm search by mac professional#

SCCM Report for all software installed for all computers: WHERE (arp.DisplayName0 LIKE ‘%Microsoft Project Professional%’) The user name is addition to the SCCM out of box report

Sccm search by mac professional#

This report will provide all the installed versions of Microsoft Project Professional including Machine names and user names. SCCM Report for all installed versions of Project Professional: GROUP BY v_GS_COMPUTER_SYSTEM.Name0, WSUSLocation_DATA.WUServer00, WSUSLocation_DATA.WUStatusServer00 SELECT v_GS_COMPUTER_SYSTEM.Name0 AS, WSUSLocation_DATA.WUServer00 AS

Sccm search by mac full#

WHERE (arp.DisplayName0 LIKE ‘%Google Earth%’)īelow SQL query will provide WSUS location from the devices.Please read the full article here. INNER JOIN v_Add_Remove_Programs AS arp ON sys.ResourceID = arp.ResourceID SELECT DISTINCT sys.Netbios_Name0 AS, sys.User_Name0 AS , The following report will provide all installed versions of Google Earth along with the version number, user name and machien name. SCCM Report for Installed versions of Google Earth: V_Package AS Package ON Package.PackageID = Program.PackageID SELECT Program.PackageID, Package.Name AS ‘Package Name’, Package.Manufacturer AS Vendor, Package.VersionįROM v_Program AS Program LEFT OUTER JOIN This report is not an inventory for installed applications on the client devices. This report provides list of packages created in SCCM. SCCM Report for all the packages created in SCCM : SELECT CI_UniqueID, DisplayName AS, Manufacturer AS, SoftwareVersion AS įROM dbo.fn_ListLatestApplicationCIs(1033) Please note this is NOT for an inventory from client devices. This report is for all the applications available in SCCM. SCCM Report for all the applications created in SCCM: GROUP BY CS.Manufacturer0, CS.Model0, ES.ChassisTypes0, BIOS.SerialNumber0, CS.Name0, OS.Caption0, OS.CSDVersion0, CS.UserName0, OS.InstallDate0, SYS.SystemType0, v_RA_System_IPAddresses.IP_Addresses0, OS.LastBootUpTime0, v_GS_WORKSTATION_STATUS.LastHWScan WHERE (v_FullCollectionMembership.CollectionID = ‘BAC00260’) V_RA_System_IPAddresses ON BIOS.ResourceID = v_RA_System_IPAddresses.ResourceID V_FullCollectionMembership ON CS.ResourceID = v_FullCollectionMembership.ResourceID LEFT OUTER JOIN

sccm search by mac


sccm search by mac

V_GS_SYSTEM AS SYS ON SYS.ResourceID = CS.ResourceID RIGHT OUTER JOIN V_GS_PC_BIOS AS BIOS ON BIOS.ResourceID = CS.ResourceID RIGHT OUTER JOIN V_GS_WORKSTATION_STATUS.LastHWScan AS įROM v_GS_COMPUTER_SYSTEM AS CS RIGHT OUTER JOIN V_RA_System_IPAddresses.IP_Addresses0 AS, OS.LastBootUpTime0 AS , OS.CSDVersion0 AS ‘Service Pack’, CS.UserName0 AS ‘Logged on User’, OS.InstallDate0 AS, SYS.SystemType0 AS Architecture, SELECT DISTINCT CS.Name0 AS ‘Computer Name’, CS.Manufacturer0 AS ‘Manufacturer’, CS.Model0 AS ‘Model’, BIOS.SerialNumber0 AS ‘Bios serial’, OS.Caption0 AS ‘OS Version’,

Sccm search by mac serial#

The following SCCM report will provide Computer Name, Manufacturer, Model, Serial number, OS Version, Service Pack, Last logged on User, OS deployed date, Architecture, IP Address, Last Boot Time and Last H/W Scan for a nominated collection. SCCM Report for custom hardware inventory: Please note When you are copying a SQL query from a web browser you need to make sure that the browser is not adding any extra characters. If you see any errors in a report please post a comment so I can fix them. This post provides various SQL queries to generate custom SCCM reports (07/12) for reporting purposes.Īll of the queries from this post has tested in my lab.

Sccm search by mac