Life is feudal wiki defensive fence
Life is feudal wiki defensive fence

Provinces are categorized as being within a 150 Kilometer range of Charlington. Territory in Gradonia is divided into two categories: Provinces and Colonies. The ecosystem of Gradonia falls within the Midwestern Oak Savannah biome. Much of the flora and fauna are native to the Gradonian area and are protected. The only regular changes which affect the greater Gradonian ecosystem are infrastructure improvements, border maintenance, and invasive species control operations. The environment of Gradonia is mostly explored, but nearly untouched, wilderness. Summers are warm and hot with occasional showers or thunderstorms being the only real variation in weather. The local climate is subtropical and temperate and winters are mild with periods of low temperatures usually lasting less than two to three months. The largest standing body is Lake Houston in Cookan, while the largest flowing body is Cedar Creek which flows into the Navasota River. Gradonia holds multiple bodies of water including, but not limited to, Cedar Creek, Lake Houston, and Lake Crockett. A notable feature is an exposed bed of limestone found by Cedar Creek in the province of Cedarburg. Northern provinces, such as Willvian and Edderton are generally lacking in features, while southern provinces, such as Cookan and Cedarburg are more varied. The geography of Gradonia varies from province to province, specifically topography. These ponds are used for fishing and as reservoirs for the local livestock and wildlife. The main bodies of water are situated in Willvian, Edderton, and Cookan. Gradonia's soil is primarily composed of clay and other silicates. The highest point in Gradonia, Dunny's Hill, is 307 ft.

life is feudal wiki defensive fence life is feudal wiki defensive fence

Gradonia is a place of diverse geography including ponds, plains, hills, and creeks. While Gradonia functions as an autonomous country, the nation is an imperial estate of the Holy Roman Empire and as such considers the Emperor thereof as the state's spiritual and feudal superior. One of which is the more popular National Backwards Day on 31 January. One example is the widespread celebration of Cinco de Mayo and of the celebration of the various American national holidays. Gradonia is primarily influenced by American, Hispanic, and Germanic cultures.

life is feudal wiki defensive fence

The King serves for life and the closest living relative becomes the monarch upon abdication or death. The highest power of the government is the King. Its current government is a Constitutional Monarchy. The capital city, Charlington, resides within the province of Willvian. Gradonia is not currently recognized by any nation within the UN and is considered a micronation. Gradonia was founded on 1 January, 2018 by William Wilson and Eddie Wilson. Gradonia, formally the Kingdom of Gradonia, is a nation landlocked within Texas, United States.

Life is feudal wiki defensive fence